This is the companion page for Chapter 3 of the book Architectural Design with SketchUp.
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From the Book

There are many ways a user may want to tackle a project in SketchUp. The chosen approach often depends on the nature of the project and where in a project’s lifecycle SketchUp is used. For example, an early-stage massing concept requires a very different approach than a detailed construction plan set. This chapter of Architectural Design with SketchUp pays heed to the many 3D modeling approaches that are available with SketchUp.
Selecting a proper 3D modeling approach can provide you with artistic freedom as well as help you create workflow efficiencies. It can also add design intelligence to your models through parametric objects or data and thereby inform your designs. Interoperability as part of a building information modeling (BIM) workflow is often as important as are advanced technologies such as point-cloud modeling.
Chapter Sections:
- Massing and Reference-Based Modeling
- Group-and Component-Based Modeling
- Using Parametric Components to Your Advantage
- Modeling from Point Clouds
- Where Does SketchUp Fit into the BIM Workflow?
Note: In the 2nd edition, this chapter was called “Component-Based 3D Modeling for Efficient and Data-Driven Designs.”
Go beyond the book:
Check out my tutorials on this site in the 3D Modeling category.
SketchUp Models In This Chapter
Below are two of the models that you can explore interactively in your browser (click and drag to orbit):
View and download all models from this chapter on the 3D Warehouse.
Links In This Chapter
Updated links will be listed here:
Download Files for This Chapter
You can download sample point cloud files at the following links. They all have different requirements, based on which version of SketchUp you have. The first one is a SketchUp file that contains several thousand points as construction points. You can use it to experiment with point cloud modeling without actually needing an extension. The other two are reasonably large point cloud files that require an extension (Scan Essentials, Undet, or similar). Use the processed file with those. The unprocessed file contains the raw data as it came from the scanner.
Sample Videos From This Chapter (from the 2nd Edition)
You can access all Chapter 3 videos using the password from the book on Wiley’s companion site:
All Chapter 3 videos:
- 0301: Trimming solid objects (included here)
- 0302: Assembly animation
- 0303: Exporting video (included here)
- 0304: Stud wall dynamic component
- 0305: Space planning with dynamic components
- 0306: Applying IFC classifications
Next Steps
- Check out my tutorials on this site in the 3D Modeling category.
Chapter 4 explains how extensions can make modeling in SketchUp easier and more efficient.
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