Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year 2013!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year 2013!

I sincerely hope this post finds you all happy and healthy. Enjoy your holidays (whatever you celebrate and wherever you are) and any time off that you can spend with your family. I wish you all a successful new year and all the best for your endeavors. Cheers, Alex P.S.: "Why the water in the image?" you may ask. Well - it looks great and it renders fast. There are really no religious connotations here whatsoever. If you want to know how the image was made, check out this tutorial on SketchUcation for a how-to article....
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“Architectural Design with SketchUp” is Now Available!

“Architectural Design with SketchUp” is Now Available!

Starting today, my book "Architectural Design with SketchUp" is now available from all of the online booksellers. You can find the links to Amazon & Co. in the sidebar of this page. Alternative to the paperback edition, E-Book and Kindle versions are also available. Brick-and-mortar bookstores such as Barnes & Noble will likely start carrying the book within a week or two. Of course, if you first rather want to find out what this book is all about, check out this page or view sample pages on or Google Books. I hope you all enjoy the book and that it helps you create the great designs you are dreaming of! Please remember that this companion site is always available for comments, questions, discussions and show-and-tell for your work. You can find out more about what is possible on the About page. Also, I will be posting more videos and other freebies in the near future, so check back often....
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SketchUp 3D Basecamp, here I come!

SketchUp 3D Basecamp, here I come!

  This Sunday, I will be heading to Trimble's SketchUp 3D Basecamp in Boulder, Colorado. This year's iteration of the Basecamp is promising to be a great event. There will be lots of presentations showing what can be done with SketchUp once one masters the basics. For example, rendering in SketchUp has a solid block on Tuesday's agenda. And then there will be a keynote by Makerbot's Bre Pettis. Wednesday offers a full-day Ruby scripting workshop for those interested. For my part, I will on Tuesday morning show off how one can use Ruby scripting for design. This is an exciting topic, yet many people don't even know that what others do in Rhino and Revit can actually be done in SketchUp, too. See the image on the right as an example. So if you are interested in this, don't forget on Monday to vote for my talk and drop by on Tuesday morning. Finally, this weekend will also mark the release of the companion website for my forthcoming book "Architectural Design with...
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