SketchUp 2023 is Out!
The Trimble folks have just released the 2023 version of SketchUp. As always, you can learn more about new and improved functionality in their blog posts and the YouTube channel.
I am quite excited about the new Revit importer (see image above for an example) because it allows for improved coordination and rendering workflows with Revit. It loads and converts models reasonably fast and even inserts various plan sections. Now if we could also have a way to easily export from SketchUp to Revit that includes creating native system families (walls, floors,...) where appropriate. IFC only goes so far...
Another great new tool is the Flip functionality, which lets you mirror objects in any orientation. This was of course already possible with extensions and via the "-1" scale-factor trick, but it is now implemented in a more comfortable way that also makes this functionality usable on the iPad and web versions.
This version also includes some future-focused core program improvements like a new...