Having Some Fun with AI: The Snarky Architecture Critic

Having Some Fun with AI: The Snarky Architecture Critic

In case you are in need of an opinionated architectural critique, look no further. You can now employ AI for that! With the recently introduced vision capabilities in OpenAI's services and therefore my OpenAI Explorer SketchUp extension, you can now ask questions about what is in your SketchUp model. But that's not all: For a little bit more bite in that critique, you can even give the AI response a specific personality, e.g. the snarky critic in my video below. You can do that via the System Message option in its settings. Just add a line like the one shown in the image below and then that instruction will apply to the entire conversation between you and the AI. As you likely know by now, you can download the OpenAI Explorer SketchUp extension and learn more about how it works here. Got any other fun and/or useful ways to employ this new tool in SketchUp? Let me know in the comments below. Video https://youtu.be/Nv4jzMoY7y4 ...
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Attractor-Based Scaling with Scale By Tools

Attractor-Based Scaling with Scale By Tools

A new feature of my Scale By (Image/Attractors/Equation) Tools SketchUp extension is the ability to transform (scale/rotate/move) objects by proximity to other objects ("attractors"). Not sure what this means? Check out the tutorial video above that explains the basic functionality. You can learn more about this extension on its page and the reference manual. Tutorial Video https://youtu.be/QRle49KTceY ...
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Random Tools for Rendering in SketchUp (with Enscape)

Random Tools for Rendering in SketchUp (with Enscape)

This video tutorial shows how the Random Tools SketchUp Extension makes it easy to improve renderings, especially when vegetation is involved. I am showing how the tools work in the context of the real-time Enscape rendering software, however the principles apply to any renderer. With this extension, you can place objects randomly, rearrange them randomly (including size, position, and rotation). and adjust their textures randomly. Tutorial Video https://youtu.be/f8QSU63o5zE?list=PL9BB9780934A68B41 Links Random Tools for Rendering in SketchUp (with Enscape) on YouTube Random Tools Extension ...
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Creating an Undulating Wall with Scale By Tools in SketchUp

Creating an Undulating Wall with Scale By Tools in SketchUp

This week's video tutorial shows an application of my recently published Scale By Tools SketchUp extension. Specifically, the Move Vertices by Image tool allows you to modify a mesh based on image data, which as a result embosses the image on that surface. This can then be used to create terrain, but it has many other applications, too. In this example, I am using this tool to deform a wood slatted wall with a ripple pattern. This would be manufactured using CNC cutting, for example. Tutorial Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFeHG2bbF_w Links Scale By Tools Extension A different approach: Creating an Organic Wall | Method 1 - From Spline Curves in SketchUp ...
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Just Published: Two New SketchUp Extensions (Random Tools & Scale By Tools)

Just Published: Two New SketchUp Extensions (Random Tools & Scale By Tools)

I just published two new SketchUp extensions that were both based on Ruby code that was either previously posted on this site or in my book, Architectural Design with SketchUp". Random Tools Ever wanted to place large swaths of randomly-arranged grass in SketchUp as shown in the image above? Have you been frustrated by textures that repeat a bit too much on copied wood boards? Do I have an extension for you... Read the announcement Scale By Tools Using the provided tools, you can scale, move or rotate objects based on an image or a mathematical equation. For the equation, you can choose between a trigonometric function or a power function. It is also possible to use image data to push/pull faces or move vertices, which can be useful to create ripples on water or a heightfield topography. Read the announcement...
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